Hi! Welcome to my (neocities) blog!

Il'll be posting updates abuot shit here somewhat regularly i think!!
Its powered by a simple* node.js script which gets the state of the page currently and then figures out where to stick the code for a new post and then sticks the code in and re-uploads it to the site!!!! you (should) be able to access a specific post by adding "#[date]" to the end of the url (but removing the " and replacing [date] with a ddmmyy-hhmm formated date :3 (day, month, year, hour (24h), minute) lol
*i havent coded it yet so we'll see :3

im going to fucking scream!!!

this post is also a tester if anyone can see this and knows how to get the state of a neocities site AND import the neocities module in node js that would be greatly apreciated!!! ima try again tommoz but i might need to switch to python depending on how fucked this decides to be :(

this is a test post which is hardcoded!

im just testing shit out :3